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St James'

Church of England Primary Academy

We Grow Together Through God








TERM 3 and TERM 4

We hope you and your families all had a wonderful Christmas and we would like to say a big thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts, we really did appreciate it!

As we are sure the children have already shared with you, our topic this term is called ‘Creak, Crack, Crash’ and has a focus on Dinosaurs. At the end of last term, we were fortunate enough to have a visit from an astrodome, which was a great introduction to Dinosaurs. The children were all very excited, especially finding out the fun fact that some fossils to be discovered were in fact dinosaur poo!

This term, our Art lessons will link to our topic, where the children will be using a variety of resources from the outdoors to create a layered Dinosaur picture.

In English, we will be reading Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs, where the children will be writing their own narrative, as well as creating our own poems and non-chronological reports, that will be full of interesting facts that the children have researched.

In Maths, we be continuing our learning of 3D shapes and then moving onto multiplication and division. This will help to support the children with their weekly times tables challenges which will continue to be held on a Friday.

In Science, we will explore our new topic of Animals, including Humans. In this topic the children will consolidate animal classification and their dietary habits but also learn about animal life cycles and how we can keep healthy, including our diet and exercise.

In our RE lessons, we be exploring, Gospel, which means good news. The children will think about some of their own good news and explore what they think the good news is that Jesus brought.

On a Tuesday, during PE, the children will have dance sessions, where they will use some of their gymnastics skills, learnt last term to create a sequence of movements based on penguins and their movements.

We are sure the children will enjoy their learning this term.

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Through God

