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School Logo

St James'

Church of England Primary Academy

We Grow Together Through God







Our Vision and Values



“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; 32 it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”


As a Church of England School we are distinctively Christian in our ethos and outlook whilst being welcoming to all.  We are proud to be an inclusive school, knowing God’s unconditional love is for everyone and for us to share.


We are a small rural community who are encouraging our young people to be ambitious and to grow into lifelong learners.  The parable of the mustard seed encapsulates our vision at St James’, inspiring us to believe that although we begin our journey as small as the mustard seed, we have the potential to grow as people, as learners and as a community. 


We are building St James’ on this vision of growth, so that we can flourish in an ever changing world.  We believe that all children are unique and can achieve their full potential when they are loved, happy and nurtured and when they have a secure foundation from which to grow.  We create a happy, secure and stimulating environment underpinned by our vision and Christian values, Giving, Loving and Honest.


We aspire for all members of our school community to grow in rich experiences and self reflection through a broad and balanced curriculum which is designed to inspire and equip all to be active citizens and service the world.


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We Grow Together

Through God

