TERM 3 and TERM 4
We enjoyed our dinosaur dome visit so much that the children have led our topic of ‘What is out there’ to be finding out all about dinosaurs. We are researching questions together to find out more about these fascinating creatures from the past, and how people have found out about them. Our work will include questions such as ‘What is a dinosaur?’ ‘How do we know what dinosaurs looked like?’, 'What did dinosaurs eat?’ and ‘Where did dinosaurs live?’- as well as many other questions the children have. As we find out the answers to our many questions we will be sharing our findings in many different ways for example, through the use of creative arts and by applying our developing phonic knowledge to write down the facts we discover.
We will also be continuing to have our Field Fridays where we enjoy our outdoor learning on the school field, following our interests as we develop our physical skills, communication skills and personal & social skills as we work collaboratively in our play and explorations.
For our maths we will be continuing to deepen our understanding of the numbers and what they mean, including the recall of key number facts for numbers to five, extending on to 10 in practical ways and applying these in real contexts during our learning through play.
Our RE unit this term is finding out 'What do Christians believe is special about Jesus and the message he brings?' Where we will be exploring stories from the Bible about Jesus and some of the miracles it is believed he performed. We will explore how the meaning of these stories can help us to be good citizens in the world.