TERM 3 and TERM 4
It seems strange to think we are already at the beginning of a brand new term! Year 6 is certainly whizzing by!
I am particularly excited for the spring term as we will be covering one of my favourite subjects, 'The Tudors'. For our topic learning we will be looking at all aspects of Tudor life and comparing the lifestyle of the rich to that of the poor- everything from food to fashion! We will also look at Sir Francis Drake and how London has changed from Tudor times to now. We will be incorporating this into our artwork where will be looking at the portraits of Hans Holbein the younger before moving onto Tudor food in DT.
In English we are reading 'Treason' by Berlie Doherty and will be beginning the term writing a persuasive advert before moving onto some narrative writing as well as some non-fiction pieces.
In Maths, we move onto decimals, percentages, algebra, ratio and perimeter and area of shapes. It's very busy and we will be working at a pace but the children are primed and ready for this and certainly up for the challenge. We have now finished work on the four operations and while we will continue to cover these as part of our daily arithmetic, it is really important that the children continue to practice at home, particularly their times tables.
In Science over the spring term, we will be looking at Earth and Space and Animals including humans. Mrs Tuckwell is very excited to finally be teaching about Space. In RE we will be covering gospel where we look at what Jesus would do in different scenarios, as well as Salvation where we look at the difference the resurrection made to Christians.
Amongst the excitement we will also being doing tag rugby in PE as well as dance and continue our weekly music lessons- this certainly is going to be a very busy time for year 6 but I know they will rise to the challenge.