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School Logo

St James'

Church of England Primary Academy

We Grow Together Through God







Covid Updates

In line with Government guidance, most Covid measures have now been stopped at school.  However, these could be re-instated in the event of a Covid outbreak.

The latest guidance for schools is not to test children and adults any more. If a child has a high temperature and Covid symptoms, they should stay at home for three full days then return to their usual routine once the temperature has gone. For adults the isolation period extends to five days before they can resume normal daily life. 

If symptoms persist after this time, a doctors appointment/doctors note is needed to explain any absences from school/work.

The measures we still have in place at school include:

  1. Regular handwashing/sanitising for all.
  2. Catch it bin it kill it with used tissues in bins.
  3. More frequent cleaning of hard surfaces and toilet areas throughout the day.
  4. Air purifiers in every classroom.

Rest assured, we are following all advice to minimise risk and promote high standards of hygiene for both children and adults. You can support your child and the school by teaching children how to wash their hands thoroughly as described in the guidance and encouraging them to – Catch it, Bin it, Kill it.


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We Grow Together

Through God

